5.8 MP high-bright color display Designed for radiology and mammography High-bright, steady colors and grays Front sensor and QAWeb Enterprise for always-on compliance

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12MP diagnostic display system for PACS and breast imaging PACS and breast imaging on one display In grayscale and color (featuring unique color calibration) With touchpad for fast control

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Work smarter, not harder Improve your focus Boost your display's flexibility Enjoy working in a comfortable environment

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5.8 MP high-bright color display Designed for radiology and mammography High-bright, steady colors and grays Front sensor and QAWeb Enterprise for always-on compliance

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Diagnostic versatility at your fingertips Multimodality display for PACS and breast imaging 12MP screen resolution and Uniform Luminance Technology Accurate and consistent colors and greyscales Integrated tools to support workflow and improve ergonomics Automated QA and compliance tests

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5.8MP high-bright grayscale display Designed for radiology and 2D/3D mammography High-bright, adjustable tint grayscales I-Guard and QAWeb Enterprise for always-on compliance

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Flexible remote radiology reading solution Preinstalled MXRT-6700 display controller 4x DisplayPort 1.4 video outputs 2x USB 3.0 ports on the front for added connectivity RJ 45 Gigabit Ethernet for high speed network connectivity Dual Thunderboltâ„¢ 3 controllers for dedicated bandwidth Aluminum design for lightweight performance Compact design and small footprint

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12MP diagnostic display system for PACS and breast imaging PACS and breast imaging on one display In grayscale and color (featuring unique color calibration) With touchpad for fast control

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Leading visualization in breast imaging

Enjoy high-quality image precision and diagnostic confidence, with our workstations for digital breast imaging. With our range of mammography monitors and dedicated breast imaging display systems for multi-modality imaging and tomosynthesis, our mission is to set a new standard of care for women’s health.

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Intuitive Workflow Tools

See through breast density with new AI-powered tool DL Precise


Are you a breast radiologist who frequently handles dense breast images? If you are, then read on to discover our new, AI-powered tool that will prove a true game-changer in your work.

Dense tissue in breast imaging: a problem without solution?

It’s a well-known problem that dense breast tissue can obscure malignant masses in medical images. On mammograms, for example, both appear as white masses. So you don’t always know whether you’re looking at innocent dense tissue, or whether there’s a tumor hidden inside it.

The result? You need to inform your patient that their test results were inconclusive and that they need to have additional images made. Which of course leads to additional (and sometimes unnecessary) concern and stress for your patient, their family and their friends.

Discover DL Precise as part of our Intuitive Workflow Tools